Entries by Dr. Ranvir Sahota

Glaucoma and Chiropractic?

Glaucoma is a slow progressive eye disease and develops asymptomatically for years until visual deficits and irreversible impairment to the retina occur. Early detection and treatment to lower the intraocular pressure can slow, or even terminate, the progression of the disease.

Why Do You NEED Wellness Care?

Many chiropractic offices break care down into phases: an initial corrective phase and a “wellness” or “maintenance” phase of care. It makes sense that, just as we brush our teeth every day and go to the dentist periodically for cleanings and check-ups, the spine should be well-aligned to ensure our best life possible.

What Is Your Gift To The World?

In my last post, I talked about how I came to find my gift and purpose. In reality, that was just the moment when the light bulb went off. We have many moments that subconsciously mold us into the person we are. I’m going to take you back to my childhood and tell you a […]

Your Purpose Will Make Your Life Soar

Today is the day! I decided, I am starting a blog so I grabbed my laptop and opened up a word document, stared aimlessly at the screen for about three minutes before I remembered something else I needed to do. Two days later I am in the same position brainstorming ideas for the blog and […]